How to Remove Unnecessary Rocks With a Drill
April 30, 2023

Whether you’re building a wall, a foundation or a pathway in your garden, you may have encountered some rocks that seem to be in the way. Some of these are too big to move, and you can’t simply dig them out – so what can you do? Drilling is an effective way to remove unnecessary rocks without having to worry about damaging the surrounding area. In this blog post, we will explore how to drill into rocks safely and efficiently, and outline other methods for removing large rocks if drilling isn’t an option. Read on for more details!

What You Will Need

Assuming you have a drill, the first thing you need to do is identify which rocks you want to remove. Once you have done that, it is simply a matter of using the drill to create a hole in the rock, big enough for your purposes. Be careful not to make the hole too big, as this will weaken the rock and make it more difficult to remove.

Step One: The Layout

The first step in removing unnecessary rocks with a drill is to create a layout. This can be done by creating a series of small holes in the ground that are spaced evenly apart. The depth of the holes should be just deep enough to reach the rock layer that you want to remove. Once the holes have been created, you will need to connect them using a straight line or other desired pattern.

Step Two: Drilling the Holes

If you’re left with a pile of rocks that you don’t need, the next step is to drill holes in them. This will make it easier to remove them from your property.

To drill the holes, you’ll need a power drill and a masonry bit. Start by putting on safety goggles and ear protection. Then, set the masonry bit into the drill and tighten it so it’s secure.

Next, find a spot on the rock that you want to drill into. Put the tip of the bit against the rock and start drilling. Keep drilling until the hole is as deep as you want it to be.

Once you’ve drilled all of the holes, you can move on to the next step: removing the rocks.

Step Three: Digging Out the Soil

Whether you’re starting a new garden or trying to improve your current one, getting rid of excess rocks is a great way to loosen up the soil and make it more workable. Here’s a simple three-step process for doing just that:

1. Start by marking out the area you want to dig. If you’re working with a small space, a garden spade will do the trick. For larger areas, use a shovel to mark out a rough rectangle.

2. Once you’ve marked out the area, start digging! If you’re using a spade, simply thrust it into the ground and twist to loosen the soil. With a shovel, you’ll need to use a bit more force to get through any compacted soil.

3. As you dig, keep an eye out for rocks – they’ll be easier to spot once the top layer of soil has been removed. Once you’ve unearthed them, set them aside in a pile.

4. Once you’ve removed all the rocks from your designated area, it’s time to fill in any holes and level off the surface. Use the excavated soil to do this, then give the area a good watering.


Removing rocks with a drill can be a great way to clear out unnecessary debris and create an area that is more suitable for your project. With the right tool, it’s easy to remove small or large rocks without damaging the surface of the ground. Whether you’re working on landscaping, gardening, or any other outdoor project, using a drill will allow you to get rid of unwanted stones quickly and easily. Plus, when done correctly, it will leave behind a neat and even surface that looks professional and inviting.